Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Who Says Florida is Trashy?

Here's the view from my front yard down the street:

Wait a minute. Is that what I think it is? No. It can't be.... People don't really do that, do they? Let's go closer.

Yes, folks, it's true. My neighbors have a toilet in their front yard, which is being used as a planter. I live in a classy, classy place. Also, please take note of the mushroom statue, the weird doll on their door in clothing more fit for November than May. What is that blue thing behind the toilet planter, you ask?


It's a metallic blue cat fox raccoon creature. Obviously.

I'd also like to know your thoughts on whether or not my neighbors should have left the handle of the toilet on. I think they should have, personally.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I have a mosquito bite in between my breasts.

What the fuck, Florida.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


California has these, Florida does not.

Monday, April 13, 2009


As if it's not bad enough that it sounds like someone is spraying the walls of my house with a fire hose randomly throughout the night, accompanied by window-shaking thunder, now I have to watch out for fucking tornadoes? I have no basement!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


My camera is completely broken. The screen is just white. As far as I can tell, it also is not actually taking pictures. Ugh. This is not okay.
Although it is a pretty good excuse to buy that really nice Nikon I've been looking at...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sunset in La Jolla

Thanks A Lot, Brain

Last night I dreamt that a friend ingested some sort of expansion foam. We were trying to find the antidote for her, but we couldn't. All of this orange gooey foam started coming out of her, and then she exploded. Some other things happened that I've since forgotten. When we returned to the site of the explosion, the girl had turned into a house! It was a very nice house, with a big porch overlooking a river. There were seals swimming in the river, because seal are freshwater creatures. Good job there brain.
So now I am trying to focus on work while instead I keep picturing the events that transpired in my dream. Does not make for a productive mindset.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hallowed Walls of San Diego

I will be taking pictures of San Diego, Santa Barbara, and other occasional Southern California locations (when I get a chance to leave the library) so I can make Sarah jealous.


So I moved to Florida at the end of the year last year. It sucks. I miss California. This blog is all about things that I hate about Florida.